From Dr M Aminu (MD, PhD)
(Co-Founder, Fix My Practice)
Liverpool, UK
July, 2020
Did you know that a lot of families have saved a lot more money during lockdown than ever before?
According to the Bank of England, households saved more than £30 billion extra between March and April 2020 alone, the biggest record, ever!
That’s right. Millions of people are now itching to spend their disposable cash on quality products and services right now. This is an incredible opportunity for business owners/managers like you.
For that reason, we are looking for a few “dream” clients to help them to massively increase their business revenue. If we are a match, we’ll work with you one-on-one in your business for the next 6 - 12 months to...
- Help you generate a MASSIVE revenue windfall.
- You pay £0 out-of-pocket. (That's not a typo. It's zero! Nothing, ever!)
- We’ll even pay you £200 cash or donate £250 to a charity of your choice if you feel we “wasted” your time.
Here's how it works...
We’ll start by designing a personalised strategic plan for your business. We'll first focus on bringing in those “low-hanging fruits” in your business that you never notice exist. This process takes 45 – 60 minutes.
We've been doing this for over 10 years, and we are very good at finding quick wins using our unique 21-point tool for identifying weak areas in business systems. We’ll do all the hard work for you – identifying exactly what to do to increase revenue, telling you how to do it, etc.
There’s absolutely NO charge for this (not now, not ever!), and there’s NO obligation of any kind.
Once you have your unique and effective plan crafted, you can't lose because there are...
Only 3 possible outcomes
(For you, it can only be "win, win or win" 😊, and here's why)
- 1You like our plan, and you decide to implement it alone. If this is the case, we’ll give you our blessings, go our separate ways and stay friends.
- 2You like the plan, and you want us to help you implement it. In this case, we’ll help you implement the plan down to a tee, and maximise your profit.
- 3You don’t like the plan. Given our record and experience, this is highly unlikely. Nonetheless, if you feel so, I will apologise and immediately pay you £200 cash or donate £250 to a charity of your choice.
Why are we doing this?
I realise that some "gurus" charge up to £500 for a similar offer, and you might be wondering why we are doing this for free and what the catch is.
First of all, you can relax because there's no catch.
I’m offering you this service for free because we are in the consulting business – we help businesses generate more revenue and improve the quality of their services. Thus, our own success is tied to businesses like yours to not only survive, but also grow and thrive.
Besides, it is also a means of putting my best foot forward and demonstrating real value. My hope is that you love it.
If you do find value in the help we give you now, you might want to give us a referral or you might want to work with us in the future. (I repeat – there’s no obligation of any kind.)
In case you decide to become our client, I would like to be upfront with you that we charge £3997 per month for this programme.
But, if you really think about it, it "costs" you nothing. This is because...
...we expect to make you at least 2X to 5X that amount in our very first call with you, which is free! That's a 200% to 500% ROI upfront, before you invest anything.
As we work with you and gather more momentum, we expect your ROI to be even much higher.
Having said that, I know you may feel that this could be a waste of your time, or it might be just a sales pitch in disguise. So...
Here's my promise to you
I guarantee you that it will be nothing like that, and I promise to never (ever!) pester you in any way, shape or form. We abhor those sales tactics, too, with passion.
In fact, here’s my promise to you. If you feel like we’ve wasted even a tiny fraction of your time, let me know, and...
... I’ll immediately transfer to your bank account the sum of £200 or donate £250 to a charity you choose.
That’s right. I will apologise unreservedly and compensate for “wasting” your time, no questions asked. We very much value and respect your time.
No one would ever make you this offer unless they are absolutely crazy, or they absolutely know their stuff. Our methods work, and I’m confident we can deliver results fast to any business that qualifies.
Talking about qualification…
This is NOT for everybody
Before you go any further, you need to know that we can’t help everybody.
This offer is NOT for startups or people seeking a get-rich-quick scheme. It is specifically designed to help people whose businesses are ethical and have enough momentum on which to leverage growth.
Even though we work mainly in the health industry, our methods and techniques are applicable to any industry. I reckon that this offer will attract interests from many other industries, and rightly so.
So, here's the deal...
You will get a fair chance irrespective of your industry, if your business...
2. Is active in the market (already generating customers);
3. Provides a quality product or service, and;
4. Has some marketing assets to work with, such as customer list, leads, etc.
Here’s what you do next...
If you want to get a lot more out of your business, click the button below and schedule your planning session.
What happens next?
When you click, you’ll see a form with a few simple questions about your business and your revenue targets. Once we have that information, we’ll do some background market research on your behalf.
Then, we’ll get in touch within two working days to schedule your strategic planning call, which will be at your most convenient date and time.
Your "worst" and "best" case scenarios
Think about it…
The “worst” case scenario for you will be to get up to £250 in 45-60 minutes – less time than it takes to watch an average movie. You can then forget you ever visited this web page.
The "best" outcome for you is to get us to help you make 2X to 5X more profit in your business than you’re currently making. Imagine how good you're going to feel when you transform your business (and your life!).
You see? The odds are really in your favour.
Sure, you could put this off, but what's that going to get you? More effort for the same results? More worries?
So, go ahead, click the button and submit your details.
We’ll review your submission and get in touch to schedule your call at your convenience.
But, time is limited 😟
I know this may sound like an attempt to get urgency, but, believe me, it's not.
Because this service involves a substantial time investment on our part and we have only two experts who deliver the service...
...this offer is STRICTLY limited to only the next six (6) people.
This is for committed and serious business owners only. If you're a dabbler or a "pretend" business owner who is not fully committed into making more out of your business, please don't apply!
Let a real entrepreneur have a chance instead. They'd certainly appreciate it, and so would we.
We offer places on a first-come, first-served basis. Once we get the next five people, that’s it. All others who qualify afterwards will have to go into our waiting list.
Therefore, if you would like a guaranteed spot, click the button below, submit your details and let’s talk.
Stay safe and talk soon,
𝒟𝓇 𝒜𝓂𝒾𝓃𝓊
PS: Remember, this offer is for genuine business owners looking to generate a MASSIVE revenue windfall, without paying a dime out-of-pocket.
PPS: I'm so confident you're going to love our work, but you must act fast. It is limited to only six more clients.
© 2020, Fix My Practice. All rights reserved.