What we do

Fix My Practice is owned by MDK Health Ltd, registered in England & Wales - 12534956.

We help health practice owners and managers to acquire more clients and improve the quality of the services they provide to their clients. We work with a variety of health professionals, including doctors, vets, dentists, nurses/midwives, pharmacists, chiropractors, clinical psychologists, etc.

How we got started

Following changes in Google algorithms, we partnered with digital marketing specialists to find the best way to optimise our own clinical services online so our potential clients can find us on Google.

We then developed a unique strategy and soon realised that our strategy were great as we got fantastic results! However, we weren’t sure if it would work for others. After more trials with our strategy, we were pleasantly surprised – it worked! 

Our clients got very good results too, and we decided to help as many people as we could.

In the course of helping our clients get more of their own clients, we identified another problem. Many business owners in the health sector grapple with the issue of achieving and maintaining high quality care.

In a previous endeavour, we trained literally 1000s of healthcare professionals (doctors, nurses, midwives and many other cadres) and established quality improvement systems in 100s of healthcare facilities.

So, we developed scalable systems to help health professionals improve the quality of their services.

And here we are today...

Our guiding principles in business are “knowledge, expertise and results”. We treat every one of our clients as we would like to be treated – as a special individual. We use our knowledge to bring our clients massive results. These principles differentiate us from others and have brought many clients to us by word-of-mouth.

We have learned so much and we use the experience to continuously optimise our strategies. Now, we can assure our clients that they will begin to see real results within a matter of weeks!

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